Business Chop

8 Laws of Irresistibility: Leveraging AI for Small Business Growth with Shahar Boyayan

Shahar Boyayan Episode 108

About Shahar Boyayan

Shahar is a Brazilian immigrant that has lived here in the US for the last 20 years. She has worked as a consultant for several companies from solo-preneurs to mid size companies. She has a passion for understanding the human mind and for adventure. She is a wild life photography enthusiast, her favorite subject are bears and loves geocahing. She has worked with her daughter Nashlah for many years and together they have build an online plaftform for art courses and proptalkie where they combine automation with AI for small businesses and they also do a lot of Real Estate investing.


Shahar Boyayan is a leading expert in the fascinating intersection of consumer behavior and artificial intelligence. With her finger on the pulse of emerging technologies and their impact on commerce, Shahar offers invaluable insights into the future of consumer trends and business strategies.

She is the author of the groundbreaking report, "AI-Driven Consumer Trends and Business Applications: Navigating the Near Future of Commerce and the Eight Laws of Irresistibility." This seminal work has quickly become a go-to resource for businesses looking to harness the power of AI in understanding and influencing consumer behavior. Known for her engaging speaking style, Shahar has a unique ability to demystify complex concepts and present them in a way that's both accessible and actionable. She doesn't just predict the future of commerce - she shows us how to shape it.
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00:01:00.630 --> 00:01:18.119

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Hello, chop squad. It's great to be with you again on this sunny or wintry day, depending on where you are. It might be in some rain. God bless you! I'm excited about our guest today. Her name is Shahar Boyayan, and she is a Brazilian immigrant, and she now lives here in the US. For the past 20 years.



00:01:18.120 --> 00:01:30.670

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: and she has worked as a consultant for several companies from solopreneurs to mid-sized companies, and she has a passion for understanding the human mind and for adventure.



00:01:30.670 --> 00:01:42.159

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: She is a wildlife, photography enthusiast. That's awesome. Shahara. Yeah. Her favorite subject are bears and loves geocaching. What is that?



00:01:42.360 --> 00:01:51.959

Shahar Boyayan: It's a treasure hunt all that you can do all around the world. People hide things, and with the GPS you can find them, and then your name that you found. It's super fun.



00:01:51.960 --> 00:02:06.959

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: All right. I love that all right. Okay. She has worked with her daughter for many years, and together they have built on, built an online platform for art courses and prop talking.



00:02:06.960 --> 00:02:26.219

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Okay? And she's gonna we're going to learn more about that Shahar. This is where they combine automation with AI for small businesses, and they also do a lot of real estate investing. Now I'm going to introduce Shahar a little bit more on the other side of this message.



00:02:36.780 --> 00:02:39.469

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Shahar. Welcome to the business. Chop.



00:02:40.010 --> 00:02:41.559

Shahar Boyayan: I'm so glad to be here.



00:02:42.160 --> 00:03:06.659

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Thank you. I'm glad to have you here. Now. Shahar is a leading expert in the fascinating intersection of consumer behavior and artificial intelligence. With her finger on the pulse of emerging technologies and their impact on commerce. Shahar offers invaluable insights into the future of consumer trends and business strategies. She's also an author



00:03:06.660 --> 00:03:21.240

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: of the groundbreaking report, AI driven consumer trends in business applications navigating the near future of commerce and the 8 laws of irresistibility. This similar work has quickly become



00:03:21.240 --> 00:03:29.459

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: become a go-to resource for businesses looking to harness the power of AI in understanding and influencing



00:03:30.010 --> 00:03:56.099

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: consumer behavior known for her engaging speaking style. Shahar has a unique ability to demystify complex concepts and present them in a way that's both accessible and actionable. She doesn't just predict the future of commerce. She knows us. She shows us how to shape it. Shahar again. Welcome. I'm excited. All that juicy stuff in the intro. I can't wait to get into some questions.



00:03:56.100 --> 00:03:58.210

Shahar Boyayan: Sounds, important. Right? Right?



00:03:58.210 --> 00:04:00.999

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Right? Right? Oh, you are. You are! Appreciate you being here. So, before we get into the real questions I always like to ask, if you have some fun stuff, or anything that you may be proud of, that you want to share with share with me in the chop squad.



00:04:18.160 --> 00:04:22.610

Shahar Boyayan: Well proud at the moment in my life. How? How does that go?



00:04:22.880 --> 00:04:27.662

Shahar Boyayan: Okay. I am proud that I like wildlife photography because I chase bears.



00:04:28.030 --> 00:04:31.352

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: You chase bears?!?



00:04:32.460 --> 00:04:38.919

Shahar Boyayan: My daughter and I. We usually try to go to Yellowstone 3 or 4 times a year.



00:04:38.920 --> 00:04:39.490

Shahar Boyayan: Okay, pictures of bears, and we take all precautions. We know what to do and what not to do, but we had some close encounters in the process, but the feeling that you get when you accomplish taking the picture of a bear is really amazing, and I'm sorry that I have a dog here with you. I'm an animal person.



00:04:59.150 --> 00:05:00.430

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Oh, the dog is fine!



00:05:00.430 --> 00:05:24.549

Shahar Boyayan: So I love that. But I think as a woman today I am very proud of still being here, being active, being able to show entrepreneurs different ways to approach the market right? Because sometimes we have misconceptions of how we have to approach a market. And, like I said, I love to study the human mind. I cannot predict the future. But I can observe behavior. And that's when we start thinking, okay, what's coming, what's happening. And I really enjoy doing this.



00:05:39.360 --> 00:05:41.350

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Wow! That that's awesome. So that's exciting. Let’s get into some other questions, you know. You set the foundation there for us.


And so in your intro we mentioned it in the Intro AI driven consumer trends and business applications. You discussed the 8 laws of irresistibility. Can you elaborate on one or 2 of those or more, if you want those laws, and how they apply to modern commerce?



00:06:08.350 --> 00:06:20.320

Shahar Boyayan: So how to become irresistible to your business does not necessarily have to do with AI right. It's how we position ourselves for success because most small business owners, they do not have an unlimited budget to keep investing in branding and advertising right. Most of us are cautious on that arena, so we need to position ourselves to the market in a way that we catch their attention. For example, I've been here for 5 min, Audrey, I cannot stop looking at your neckpiece. I love it, I love it so. That's attraction. But how do you do that with anything, any product, any service. There are some things that we need to be able to do, and a very important one is, find our unique voice.



00:06:59.690 --> 00:07:02.599

Shahar Boyayan: How is our voice to the market and we tend to be. We try to play safe on everything. But today the consumer is looking for the personality the place where we can be. I am either like you or I want to be like you right? So if we are just vanilla in everything, we are not going to catch attraction. Another thing that is important to understand is that today we want what's raw, we want what's real. So if we make mistakes when we're speaking. If we make mistakes in the process of a service that is fine. If we make mistakes on a video for a social media, for example, that's totally fine. I want to see that you are a real human because as a consumer, I'm tired of big corporations where everything is perfect.



00:07:47.770 --> 00:07:49.190

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Yes, yes, we.



00:07:49.190 --> 00:07:59.479

Shahar Boyayan: I think we are kind of tired of the Instagram style, where everything is perfect, all trips are amazing. Everybody is a millionaire. That's not how life is, and that's not.



00:07:59.480 --> 00:07:59.910

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Right.



00:07:59.910 --> 00:08:01.460

Shahar Boyayan: Customer is looking for.



00:08:16.620 --> 00:08:26.699

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Okay, can you share an example of a company that's effectively using AI to enhance the customer experience. And what lessons can you offer? You know us, you know, to learn.



00:08:26.700 --> 00:08:27.520

Shahar Boyayan: Influence. So actually, right now, we have many companies already using AI. The common trace on them is that the most of them are big companies, because for techie people, for people that are into watching the tech news all the time AI has been happening for a while, but most of us. We are getting in touch with this right now. I know many, many entrepreneurs that don't even have tried ChatGPT yet. And you, thinking I use it all the time. But that's how we are. We are starting to get used to AI, and we're starting to get comfortable with it and experimenting. We are not in the stage that we know everything about it. So the companies that are already implementing a lot are big companies. One case is Sephora. So they sell beauty products right? What they did with AI is that now when you go to their website, the AI will scan your face right. But it's not just going to scan your face to see if you have a round shape a pear shape, or whatever shapes we have with our faces. It's going to also detect all the flaws that you might have and it's going to show you how you look with the products according to what you really need. So it's a much better process than just, you know, scanning your face or having a picture and trying the lipstick. It really says, for this tone of skin. This is the color that should be using. You know you have some blemishes on the side. This is what you should be using now. It also has integrated this with. If I go to a store then and talk to a Sephora representative, they at the moment can pull in the computer everything that I have interacted with the AI and tell me exactly what I need so awesome.


One thing replacing the other is becoming a much more powerful service to the consumer at the end. But I already have restaurants, for example, that I can get the menu scan one of the pictures for the dishes, and it will show me in a video right there how the dish was prepared or what happens in the kitchen, because, as consumers, I told you raw, right? We want to see what's happening in the back when I'm not seeing when I'm not there many times. If I very, for example, they want to see if that food comes from a good source, if it's local things like that. So it's important for us. It's not because big companies are using that. I'm not going to start using, because I am small, that's not a good excuse for me. Start using with very little money, and you have to, because if we don't, Audrey, we are going to cease to exist as a company in the next 2 years we are going to be left behind.



00:11:18.170 --> 00:11:29.640

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Yes, just try it, you know. Just try something small. Give me a headline, or, you know, feed it information. You know your own information and ask it to do something with it.



00:11:29.640 --> 00:11:30.530

Shahar Boyayan: Exactly. It's.



00:11:30.530 --> 00:11:33.460

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: They'll check it, or you know.



00:11:33.460 --> 00:11:56.780

Shahar Boyayan: Yeah, a little bit every day. Just don't rely your decisions on AI, right? One thing that is beautiful about us humans is creativity, right how we express ourselves and decision Maker, we, we make decisions every single day. Should I take the dog out of my room or leave it inside? There's a decision, and you make that all day long.


But the danger with start being very comfortable with all AI tools is just allowing AI to make decisions for you that can lead to bad outcomes on the day to day, or even on a larger scale. I'll give you an example in my family. So my daughter-in-law was applying for a job, and she did the resume on chat gpt good resume she presented. But she didn't read it.



00:12:20.980 --> 00:12:23.509

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Okay. She got called for the interview.



00:12:24.060 --> 00:12:25.110

Shahar Boyayan: And they were talking to her. Everything was going fine. Then the person said, Oh, Sam, it's so good that you are an expert on this language, which was a computer language. She never she hardly. She doesn't know how to do anything in the computer, right? And she panicked. But everything went okay. She got the job, and she's succeeding on that. But that's something we should not do.



00:12:50.850 --> 00:12:51.480

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Yes.



00:12:51.480 --> 00:13:01.320

Shahar Boyayan: The AI to do something you not only have to read, you have to adjust to who you are. Your personality, what? What is the outcome that you want from that.



00:13:01.320 --> 00:13:06.389

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Absolutely. It's only there to help us speed up the process, not actually finish the process.



00:13:06.390 --> 00:13:07.110

Shahar Boyayan: Exactly.



00:13:07.110 --> 00:13:13.090

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Yeah, yeah, wow. I'm glad that she got the job. That ended up being a positive outcome. So.



00:13:13.090 --> 00:13:18.019

Shahar Boyayan: But you know chances were that it was not going to be a good outcome. Right? That's.



00:13:18.020 --> 00:13:18.370

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Right.



00:13:18.370 --> 00:13:19.430

Shahar Boyayan: Not a good thing.



00:13:19.430 --> 00:13:32.439

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: That's right. Okay, so, Shahar, your work bridges the gap between consumer psychology and artificial intelligence. How did you come to the specialize in this unique intersection?



00:13:32.920 --> 00:13:49.430

Shahar Boyayan: You know, I did study psychology in college. It was not my major, but I did study, and I always loved consumer behavior. So for me. It's a hobby to read, and I've been reading, and you know you are an engineer. You understand that sometimes you just need to get.



00:13:49.430 --> 00:13:52.670

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: A quick correction. I work in the engineering college.



00:13:52.670 --> 00:13:56.015

Shahar Boyayan: Oh, okay, okay, work around engineers.



00:13:56.730 --> 00:14:23.579

Shahar Boyayan: So you know, what we want to be is right. They go looking for data all the time. I don't have my left brain develop. I'm not good at math, but I love facts that are happening, and because I have worked as a consultant all my life. I see when the entrepreneur chooses not to embrace what's coming, because somehow they think things are going to go back to normal. We all should have learned with Covid that once the human behavior changes, it doesn't go back right. The changes we made during that time we kept it. So did many business, some good changes and some bad changes right? But they kept it. So now with AI, AI is going to become so intricate in our lives that it's going to become an extension of ourselves. And how is this happening? Because you might be thinking, no, I'm not going to.


I allow droids to take care of my life. But you're probably wearing a smart watch right now, right? That tells you probably have a device that can tell you what you didn't buy yesterday that you should buy. What's the weather? What's the time? Very annoying, lady, that I have over there? Not a very smart type of AI, but everything is evolving.


What are the things? You may have glasses that talk to you all the time. I have one that films take photographs, and I'm driving and can ask questions about the place that I don't know very well. So we start embracing without even noticing right. And this is going to become an extension of ourselves. For example, in my report the first trend is the live streaming, meaning that in a very short period of time we are basically going to be not control. That's a bad word. But I wake up in the morning and my people will tell the coffee maker to start making coffee, and today I need some milk in that, because I had this stressful night I go to brush my teeth. My toothbrush will tell me. It is time for you to get that cleaning is you were over the date that you should go, and so AI is going to start monitoring what I do a lot more, for example, than my watch. My watch can tell me. It vibrates every time I'm stressed, for example, and tell.



00:16:13.830 --> 00:16:27.430

Shahar Boyayan: Cause me to take a deep breath. So it's going to start monitoring my life a lot. Why is this important for businesses? Because you, you have to think, okay, what can I implement that would take into that? And, for example, you can. You can have something that helps with the the health of your customer, and have a nap on that or other things that are out there for you to use. There are many things right. it's important that with this trend we will also need hyper personalization. And that is coming. Since Covid. Why? Because we feel that we are becoming invisible with all the social media and influencers, and and all the things that we have no control over, we start thinking, I don't matter. Nobody knows where I am. We are cocooning a lot more than before. We stay home a lot more. We isolate ourselves a lot more so every time I'm out there and out there can be on a website.



00:17:16.450 --> 00:17:24.930

Shahar Boyayan: I want to feel I matter. And it's important to show that as a business all the time, because we are all thirsty for that, and I can tell Audrey that you are over 30 years old, like I am right. The old.



00:17:32.310 --> 00:17:33.830

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: A little bit over.



00:17:33.830 --> 00:17:39.129

Shahar Boyayan: Little bit just a tad. Well, the older we get the more invisible we feel to the market right? They don't take. It's in every single day situation. You know. You say, for example, I talk about AI, AI is technology. Do you think when I get a techie guy, that they pay attention to what I'm saying I need. I need to double work 3 times more than a man would, or a younger person would, just to make myself heard, and I know, because I go to trade shows and things like that. It's always that thing, you know. You're getting older. So grandma stays. Head needs to stay to the side.



00:18:13.540 --> 00:18:14.290

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: I don't know.



00:18:14.290 --> 00:18:16.099

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Wise women. Yes.



00:18:16.280 --> 00:18:30.760

Shahar Boyayan: Ma'am, the women as a whole. They need to understand that that unique voice that I talked about in the beginning. It's really important to put out there, and it doesn't matter if nobody, if not, everybody, agrees with you right? Because we were raised at least my generation, that we needed to please people. We need to say, yes, we need to not be loud. That's not my case. So we need to understand that as we age, things get a lot harder in that sense. So as a consumer. If I go into a store and people don't acknowledge me. People don't. You know it's the most annoying thing is that they answer a question without even looking to. You. See, no, AI, here is just human behavior. I get annoyed. And I'm not going back. Now, how can we use this as businesses today is very easy, because you have AI that can track your habits. So let's suppose I go to a restaurant, talk a lot about food because I love food. I go to a restaurant very often, right? And they start tracking my behavior. They ask for my information.


I can go there one day and the AI will come in. AI can be on my phone or in any other format and say, Hey, Shahar! Last time you were here, you had the pistachio Lasagna. Why don't you try the pistachio cannelloni today? Is this chef special for the day, so you will acknowledge what I had before, which will make me feel special right, and then tell me what else I can order.



00:19:58.780 --> 00:20:16.670

Shahar Boyayan: So we have to think in my business. How can I implement that? And I can implement in any stage that I am with the consumer? For example, we are doing some videos now on the voice. AI, so it's a AI employee that you have that will answer the phone for you. You know why? Because imagine that if your ticket, whatever you sell is $500 at least the beginning of the that relationship. But during the day you're busy, and you don't answer all your phone calls. And you miss one phone call a day that could have been a $500. How much is that? At the end of the year. You do the math. I'm bad at math, but it's a lot of money. So the AI is able not only to answer, Hey, I am Mary from nail salon.



00:20:45.470 --> 00:21:10.349

Shahar Boyayan: How are you doing today? And it will carry a conversation that Audrey is unbelievable. How real it is we were testing yesterday, and we asked a friend to call, and she said she had a tattoo parlor. The AI went, oh, and what kind of what design are you looking for? And she said, and then it went, and in which place of your body you want the tattoo. And it came conversation like if he was an expert, and it was the very 1st call that AI got from a tattoo place, understand? So the power of these things are amazing. Then you guys say, yeah, but can a business have an AI like that? Yeah, it's like a fancy dinner that you pay a month.



00:21:28.490 --> 00:21:28.920

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Okay.



00:21:28.920 --> 00:21:32.229

Shahar Boyayan: And this is one you, we have for everything.



00:21:33.340 --> 00:21:50.430

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah. I have heard of that type of AI Usage. I think that's it's fascinating, fascinating. You think back on some of our sci-fi shows that we watched in the sixties, seventies, eighties. And yeah, that.



00:21:50.430 --> 00:21:52.119

Shahar Boyayan: Yeah, we are. We are at the Jetson’s now.



00:21:53.810 --> 00:22:03.619

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Yes, yes, for sure. All right. So yeah, we mentioned that. So your report mentions the near future of commerce. What key changes do you predict in how consumers interact with brands and make purchasing decisions.



00:22:10.960 --> 00:22:35.290

Shahar Boyayan: Well, another thing that is already happening is what I call the digital doping ganger. We can create digital twins of who we are. I have experimented that, like you said at the beginning, I have a company that does art courses. We had. We have hosts because we go live so we have real hosts. I tried a year ago. AI host and people freaked out like it's creepy. Today. I can have myself as a host, and they will not notice. I'm not there.



00:22:42.950 --> 00:22:43.480

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Wow!



00:22:43.880 --> 00:23:08.590

Shahar Boyayan: And you know it's some AI that you pay whatever $30 a month. Right? I have some social media with the same, the same concept. But the fact is that today, with AI, I can have a receptionist answer the phone. I can have a secretary or a virtual assistant. That is an AI. I can have sales. People. There are. AI right. What this does is. 1st of all, business is about profit, right? So they don't get sick. They don't complain. They come to work. Now. The major problem is that people think, but they are going to replace me. What I need to understand is this. what is going to happen is AI is not going to replace you right away. but it may replace you with a person that knows how to use. AI.



00:23:30.900 --> 00:23:31.360

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Yes.



00:23:31.360 --> 00:23:54.620

Shahar Boyayan: That's why we said you need to be comfortable. It doesn't matter if you agree with this or not, because in this case it's going to happen. But it's important for you to get used to this. You can increase your productivity in whatever you do today. A lot with AI, so you may be replaced by somebody that knows what to what to use. But there are some professions that we will eventually fade away because AI gets better every single day. What is not good right now is that more? It doesn't have a moral compass. It's not a deep problem solver. It can solve minor problems, but not deep problems. And that's 1 characteristic of the human race. That is amazing. We are problem solvers. Sometimes we are not even aware of that. So I mean you work in an engineer place. That's what they do all day. Right? This work does. I'm going to create a solution for that. It's a beautiful thing to exercise creativity. The AI is not good with creativity at this point. Yes, it can generate images, art and all these things. But it's at this point. It's not good. And it's going to take a while to be creative in the sense that it can create something from scratch by itself. There was a painting that was sold, done by AI. It did a portray of a famous mathematician and he sold. I I believe it was 2 million dollars something like that, not about a week or so ago.


But the thing is that that painting was not really made by AI. You had the programmers that program the artists that consulted about what type of brush to use, how to use the color thing. All that was created by humans put into an AI that was able to create a painting that was sold for a lot of money because the 1st of something, the 1st of something goes well.



00:25:28.870 --> 00:25:29.640

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Right.



00:25:29.640 --> 00:25:51.239

Shahar Boyayan: That doesn't mean that artists will not have jobs, for example, in the near future. But there are some that should be worried about. For example, if you work on a call center, you're so replaceable today, what would I do? In that case I would start saying, Okay, what are my strong suits that is not easily replaced by a machine and start developing those strong suits and reinventing yourself. There's nothing wrong. I'm like, I said. I'm way over 30, and I have reinvented myself more than once in life. It's something that does happen to a lot of people. So then think, okay, this is going away.


For example, online courses. I sell online courses. There was a time right after Covid. Then nobody wanted online courses because nobody wanted to be home anymore. They want to be out in the garden at the beach at someplace fun, right? So there are moments in life that you have no control of what's happening. So all you can do is see what's the best solution. Besides, what I already provide. And how can I insert this in my business, or even start a new one with entrepreneurs is the same thing. We are not going to be replaced by AI. But if we don't start adopting those ais into us. The person will say, I'm going to go to that one because they know who I am. They know my number. It is so basic, Audrey. I mean, there is a restaurant here in Puerto Rico that I go almost every day to eat lunch. I like the places open. I like the food. I go with my daughter almost every day.



00:27:02.330 --> 00:27:02.830

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Okay.



00:27:02.830 --> 00:27:21.419

Shahar Boyayan: Not even once they have asked my name, what's my email? What's my phone number? They could be sending me promotions. They could be sending me a happy birthday. Happy Thanksgiving! Happy, merry Christmas! Nothing, nothing right. I'm giving them money every day, and there is not the other side. But think about this in any business is a lot more expensive to bring a new customer than to keep an old one. It costs a lot more money to bring a new one. Why don't we do anything simple as getting an email and have it automated? So every so often you send the newsletter. Why not.



00:27:39.550 --> 00:27:40.590

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Yes.



00:27:40.890 --> 00:27:41.530

Shahar Boyayan: Right.



00:27:41.810 --> 00:27:42.810

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: That's right.



00:27:42.810 --> 00:28:06.050

Shahar Boyayan: Yeah. People think the AI is all this complicated thing? No, it's all the small automations that you're going to put in your business that you will scale faster, and you will provide a better service. Now think about this. If every couple of months I can increase 25% of my revenue on an automated way that I'm not working 60, 70 hours to get. How much is that? At the end of the year you do the math and small things, small androids that you're going to put nothing. You don't need to think like Sephora and go create the thing from scratch use what's available and implement that and get comfortable with that.



00:28:23.190 --> 00:28:36.319

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Yeah, that's awesome. Definitely. Thank you for that advice for us to look at the current trends. And you know how we can prepare our careers, you know, at the intersection of AI and consumer behavior. So, Shahar, how can we get in touch with you?



00:28:40.500 --> 00:28:56.969

Shahar Boyayan: Well, what about if I give your listeners the report that I wrote for free discovery how the AI revolution is going to revolutionize in consumer behaviors. All they have to go is to prop talkie. prop like properties, for example, prop talking, walkie, talkie, prop is slash. AI dash trends, AI dash trends and you will get a report. And if you want to talk more with me, you'll see on the website how to do so. And the fun part is this it's possible it's not going to cost you a lot of money, and you should be doing anyway. Right. So don't wait too much. We are going to go into a year that promises to bring us a lot of surprises, right? And we have consumers that are on board sides of the aisle, because it's not just when we vote we vote A or B after the vote. We are either happy or very sad, and those consumers have different behaviors. Right? The very happy right now is spending for Christmas like crazy, the very sad.


I'm going to give a gift to my daughter. That's it. Right? So yes, businesses. We need to know who we cater to and know how to adapt the behavior to how they're feeling, because, for example, whoever is not feeling very happy right now is not likely to buy any high ticket items. For example, no houses, no cars, no things like that. If you sell those things you're going to have to change your conversation with them to something like, but having this car will make you feel a lot safer will make you feel comfortable, will make you feel that everything's going to be okay at the end. Right? So you need to adapt the conversation to that kind of consumer. It's very important order for all of us to be just observing behavior, because we see amazing things right. And we see. Ha! Ha! My consumers also behave like this person. How can I provide the solution to that.



00:30:51.290 --> 00:30:53.100

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: That's why Belt is made. Yeah, absolutely well, Shahar, thank you for coming today. You've really brought some enlightening; an enlightening viewpoint to AI. And for our businesses and consumers as well. So really appreciate that. And.



00:31:08.140 --> 00:31:10.430

Shahar Boyayan: We're looking forward to the next time. Yes, thank you very much. Yeah. Having fun over there in Puerto Rico. Yeah.



00:31:17.890 --> 00:31:20.390

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: And I'm cold in Ohio.



00:31:21.213 --> 00:31:23.480

Shahar Boyayan: I hope so. I hope we come.



00:31:23.480 --> 00:31:35.279

Audrey “Tech Diva” Wiggins: Yes, yes, all right. So, chop, squad, you have your marching orders. Be sure to follow Shahar. Get to that website and get that report. Until then. We'll see you next time. Take care!

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